Saturday, July 21, 2012

Goa jepang semarapura bali

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Semarapura Klungkung Bali Indonesia has some historical sights, one of which is a Japanese cave ( goa jepang )

Japanese caves are easily accessible due to its location alongside a road in the direction of Denpasar-Semarapura, precisely in the Banjar Koripan, Banjarangkan Village, District Banjarangkan.

Due to its strategic location next to busy road traffic, so it often gets cave tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists.

Goa which consists of 16 holes with a depth of 4 meters, the two caves are not related to each other, one located at the southern end and fruit in the north, go 14 interrelated and linked by a walkway extends north to south. Goa was built by the Japanese army in defending themselves from attack allied forces during the Japanese population in 1941. Iselain cave, a big hole like this also exist in the village of Nusa Penida for marine traffic in the Straits of Lombok.

Japanese cave consisting of 16 holes, made ​​on the cliff wall, alongside a road main Semarapura Denpasar, river / Tukad Bubuh. Goa / holes located on the northern and southern cave that stand alone. While another 14 pieces, which are related to each other, connected by road / alley. What's interesting about this is that Japan is very strategically located cave cave memories of Japanese colonial era, and in front of interesting sights can be witnessed by a stream of water splashing.
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